Thursday, December 8, 2011

Number Six

In researching i found a common thread with major demonstrations of 60's-70's and with this "occupy" movement thang and their action of occupying parks. In Chicago 68, Berkeley Student Revolt(Free Speech Movement)1964 - Berkeley again w Student Strike in 69, May Day 71 in DC, anti war demon NYC April 67, March on Pentagon 67,--- in every case confrontation and violent action/response only began or really occurred when police enforced city ordinances of park closure times and when police moved to sweep and clear the parks. We know the historical and constitutional tradition of our parks,city sqrs as place to exercise rights, to rally,demonstrate,etc., but in those days there weren't laws/ordin regulating hrs of these public spaces for forum. At Berkeley 64 the issue was a bit more complex. The immediate cause of Student Revolt and birth of Free Speech Movement was an announcement by campus officials that a 26ft strip of land at the entrance of the campus previously thought to belong to city of Berkeley, was actually property of the university and subject, therefore, to existing university regulations dealing with political activity. This historic strip of land spawned a National Movement and became,and still is named "Peoples Park." The only exception to park closure rule i found not enforced was the Poor Peoples March to DC led by all the leaders, Martin L. King, Ralph Abernathy, even Stokely Carmichael. The city leaders decided they could never contain such crowd of hundreds of thousands so they were allowed to overnight camp on the pond parks before the Wash Monument where King gave the hair raising (at least on my arms) "I Have A Dream" speech. All went well and after 2-3 days crowd dispersed and went their way. Obviously the present "Occupy" mov has drawn from this history, at least with respect to using then attempting to occupy the parks. They never allowed it in all the aforementioned events and enforced the closure/curfew hrs. Tensions built directly as result of the park closure police sweeps n enforcement which precipitated into violence on every occasion. The most obvious thing that jumps out at me now is how truly far we have come,and social control police as well. How long did Pdx, N.YC., Boston, Philadelphia, etc actually allow protesters to camp and remain in these parks granting them full right to express and voice grievance. Practically all went on for at least 30-45 days before officials said ok, we gotta get the mess cleaned up and allow our citizens to also use prks and get our cities movin again. And then, when even so doing the police used non-violent[depending on Resistance] minimal use of force to accomplish clearing,getting parks cleaned and repaired and reopened to public again. Now, i have my ideas of employed demonstrator tactics to abide by the curfew/closure hrs of the prks and yet maintain a 24/7 public presence to continue momentum of cause and movement BUT i want u to think out some creative tactics and strategies to work with officials,demonstrators,gen public to avoid violating prk use ordinances and yet be out there in public view with your demonstration as we all know the backlash of defying and resisting prk closures, both from police forces as well as potential sympathizers and of the gen public support (and/or loss thereof). If those truly determined to instigate/create/propagate/cause direct action which they knowingly will draw a police response no matter how minimal which of course will be offered as proof of govt gone mad, mad dog police, and need for violence to respond to the violence manipulation, then not "occupying" parks is the best way to avoid what u know will lead inevitably to confrontation. So the die hard radicals can occupy parks all they wish and let them battle with police while the majority of demonstrators comply with law and carry on-move forward with their movement. Let me hear some brain-storming ideas. With all my luvin entrails,...and Tulas 2 XXOO

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