Thursday, December 8, 2011

Ideas from MoErika

I believe the importance of consistency is huge. Being a presence in the public eye is more than just awareness and news media, it's creating and building hope in people that something is changing, that momentum is building. Most people that have even slight inclination to open up their minds to the idea that the government and corporations and the powers that be (same same same) have not been doing things in their best interests ARE THE BIGGEST POPULATION to be reached. Those people, who go to work every day, who hope every year for a raise from their ho-hum job, whothink they can do nothing more, who want to believe that all of civilization is just proceeding along the way it should and in their best interests, those people need consistent visual awareness. They need that chisel put to their stone built wall of 'how it is' every day. Because little by little, fact by fact, and with the truth so readily available (BUT ONLY FOR THOSE WHO KNOW TO SEARCH), is it easy to see the unjustices that have been built into our government.

Now, does that mean every day at rush hour in different business districts, standing with signs at busy intersections? Maybe.

But to me, that consistent presence can mean educating while doing. Organizing community outreach events under the blatant name of the Occupy movement (or whatever it shall be named). This can be soup kitchen work, staff support at a local fun-run, working with kids, parents and teachers at afterschool programs, helping to build community gardens.

There is no better way to have meaningful conversations than while completing a common task or goal. People you are working with respect you more when you both have your hands in the dirt, when they see that you are just a human trying to do the right things, when they can relate to you on a personal level...then and only then can people really accept what you're saying and believe you! (THese are ideas i stressed to occupations in the New England area and ALSO why i love physical therapy work, it allows for these conversations to transpire quite normally and easily)

When Occupy can occupy the halls of schools, the gardens of the city, the soup kitchens, and the general public park clean ups, then they will not only be in a better light in the public eye, but also will be contributing to improving the society to be what they are fighting least i THINK that's part of what they're fighting for ;)

These steps are just the beginning. But when the people who want to change the government and create fairness are ALSO the people who you trust and respect as your neighbors, friends, and community members...the people you know personally and really feel would only fight for things in the community's best interests...then their will be support. People will back the movement the way they stand up for their neighbors (or used to).

This inevitably builds numbers as well as support, through conversation instead of yelling and education instead of anger. The place for violence will come, but i don't think the numbers are yet there and i don't think the AMercian people at large will get angry enough about some hippy protesters getting squashed or taken to prison, besides the more that go to jail, the better our prison-based economy ;P

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