Thursday, January 5, 2012

Ideas on Portland's "Port Closure"

I did learn a lot at the Port closure day . For example, there were aprox 8-10 black clad ninja warrior types who attempted to erect a barricade out of railroad ties,garbage barrels and storm fence that they somehow managed to snatch from behind a closed port area and were resisted by a lone girl and after others came to her aid when ninjas got physical with her when she began tearing down their barricade the barricade was dismantled thus averting police intervention. While eating donated pizzas and donuts i talked to 4 of the masked ninjas (the oldest being 26) and they were all from the Spokane,Tacoma and N.Idaho area and not surprisingly were right-wing young daughters and sons of right-wing militia parents from the above State areas. Despite some demon insisting they de-mask to reveal themselves they simply vanished and appeared no more. Their agenda was obvious, to invoke,cause police confrontation knowing that a barricade would cause such police action. Failing in their efforts they simply went away as they could have no fun if police didn't crack the unsuspecting nonviolent demonstrator's skulls. I have been watching these types and clearly are intent on initiating violence and after their efforts they retreat either out of sight or to the far rear of the demonstrator crowd. The other grp i spoke to carrying ominous white n black banners bearing a black snake were from the Socialist Workers Party - a grp i had supported and was affiliated with at our events at Kent State. They were more talkative whereas the ninjas were rather tight lipped and would not reveal their faces or identities so that spoke pages of info with me. Also, the turnout with exception of the park occupation has been very small and i believe this is do to the most part from lack of formal organization by whoever the 'movement' coordinators are or may be. Every time the media does an interview at these events they are always talking to a different person who asserts they are or are not a leader, organizer, or coordinator so we have a random number of so called movement spokespersons at every event espousing different rhetoric. Thus the absolute need for a concrete leadership and organization within this movement to at least establish some kind of consistency as the media keeps taking jabs at them for the lack of clearly stated demands and purpose as with having no organized effort. If this thing is to move forward with any impact and force these matters must be addressed within whoever the group putting on these events may be and coordinate not only action but things like a permanent legal assistance wing, a medical assistance wing to provide medical assistance at every event, etc. It just behooves me as to why this has not developed after this long. I don't understand the thinking or lack of thinking on the part of today's youth who are out there but not accomplishing anything. Their numbers aren't even significant enuff to put together an effective picket line let alone a direct action strategy, game plan or tactics. This is NOT for posting. All day Monday i tried to speak with whoever may have been in charge but at every "mic check' or "general assembly" call there was always a different person leading. Where is the central command and control group ?? How do you inject yourself into the politics of this movement when there clearly is no leadership or organizational structure other than the "general assembly" chit chats to talk with and field ideas ? As i say, i am simply an objective observer and there for anyone who needs medical attention which is about all i can do under the circumstances of a incoherent, disorganized movement. A "movement" generally connotes some kind of organizational structure with guiding leadership of some sort but not this one so it simply looks random nonsense and kids with nothing else to do but come and have some fun and play.

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